Tulosta Tulosta Sulje

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Koko menu: 12.50 EUR

We are open now on Sunday! Goot set meal special offer house menus. Children free for discount! Pilli and maze game doodle on the house. Even better winelist! Terve tulos well come!

Sivun alkuun

Alku Pala

2.50 EUR / 1.50 EURPoppadum raita ja gherkin
Kurkku, raita dripping sauce and poppadum (or koulu näkki). Very god fresh quality gherking. Tomaatti on special request only.
gluteeniton, laktoositon, vähälaktoosinen
Our traditional new specialty. Refreshing!

Sivun alkuun

House Style

8.00 EUR / 6.50 EURJuusto POtato Nada Devilin Tapaan
Hot ori ental sauce. Cheese juusto, potato, pepper pippuri on metal plate. Toothpick for free!
laktoositon, vähälaktoosinen
Get your money back if not necessary to take away with you the doggie bag portion. SOrry!

8.00 EUR / 3.50 EURKarma Korma
Ingredients may change on Sunday and every day. Full grown Katka Rapu or Mushroom or beef or lammas, kana, meatball and moderate sauce. Surprise!!
gluteeniton, laktoositon, vähälaktoosinen
Not for children or grown-ups only!

Sivun alkuun

Desert Jälki Ruoka

4.50 EUR / 2.25 EURKerma Korma
Sweet ginger and toffee or licorice or rice with ice creams and variable parts from Sunday to Saturday evening. Delicious!
gluteeniton, laktoositon
For children with toy umbrella and doodle maze!!!